
OTC Germany: 40. Arthroscopy course with live surgery and workshop “knee joint”

08.09.2025 - 09.09.2025

OTC Germany: 40. Arthroscopy course with live surgery and workshop “knee joint”

After overview lectures on the knee joint, current surgical techniques will be demonstrated via live broadcast from the operating room. On the second day of this supra-regional event, the knowledge gained can be practiced in a workshop.

Link https://otc-akademie.de/veranstaltungen/40-arthroskopie-kurs-mit-live-op-und-workshop-kniegelenk

Scientific Committee: Dr. med. Gotthard Knoll · Chefarzt der Abteilung für Unfallchirurgie und Orthopädie – Sportklinik, St. Elisabeth-Krankenhaus Leipzig

Contact: Akademie der OTC Germany ( info@otc-akademie.de)

OTC Chapter: OTC Germany

Additional Information (fees, etc.): 850,- EUR; 750,- EUR Members of OTC Germany; National Event
